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Inspired By Greatness

The following is a direct extract from  Unwritten by Jack Delosa. 2016 The Entourage Education group Pty Ltd. pp21.

The Archetype of Greatness

Great spirits develop a strong sense of self. They consciously create themselves according to the person they want to be and the mark they want to leave – often viewing their life s an expression of who they are.

Always curious, great spirits have a need to learn more. Often, they start out by studying history – examining those who have come before them, like Mozart learning to play the works of other pianists before writing his own symphonies. Later in life, the knowledge gained from studying others becomes the foundation upon which great spirits will innovate. While often admirers of history, great spirits develop a healthy disregard for what has been achieved in the past, understanding that today’s capabilities are far greater than what was achievable yesterday. They study history not to be confined by what is tried and proven but so that they may push these boundaries through innovation.

Through hard-won experience, the greats come to realise that to be guided by one’s own intuition is the most enlightened way to navigate through life. A strong sense of self and a healthy disregard for the status quo means they develop the resolve the challenge popular opinion. They are independent thinkers. History holds no example of people who have changed the world by following conventional wisdom.

Great spirits are driven by something larger than themselves, a higher purpose. Understanding the contribution they want to make forces them to get clear about their life’s mission and the legacy they want to leave. While some onlookers label their vision for the future as unreasonable, it is the very belief in a better future that enables them to touch the hearts and minds of the many. Great spirits reach people on levels that others do not.

Also they are not afraid of challenge. Often having experienced some sort of hardship throughout their life, they have a high level of belief in their ability to overcome obstacles.

Those who speak of progress are inevitably met with resistance from a world that finds comfort in familiarity. It is the congruence that great spirits have between their sense of self and their life’s work that enables them to keep moving forward against the tide of protest.

While great spirits are intimately connected with their vision for the future, life teaches them to find joy in the journey. It is the work, not the rewards, they fall in love with. For those that are tuned in, life becomes their greatest teacher as they learn that their experiences hold the greatest potential for wisdom.

As great spirits progress through life, slowly building the future they envisaged, those onlookers who once criticised them now label them ‘genius’, with little understanding of the effort or dedication that went into their journey. Indeed, it was Michaelangelo who said, “If you knew how much work went into it, you would not call it genius”.

It is through peering into these timeless principles of greatness, and in realising that to be human is to seek the fullest expression of self. That we become better equipped to navigate the road that leads to our own unique legacy."

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